No matter what sort of skin you have, a glowing and beaming one or the one which shows the signs of aging, the fact is that the skin is composed of seven critical layers. The skin protects us from microbes and elements, helps to regulate body temperature, and allows sensations of touch, heat, and cold. Ayurvedic formulations for the skin, both internal and external, seek to associate herbs to positively influence multiple layers of the skin.

The 7 layers of skin as per Ayurveda:

1. Avabhasini:  This outer layer, which is not thicker than a sheet of paper, protects you from the world and pollutants. As the skin ages, the skin becomes thinner as the body forms fewer and fewer new keratinocytes. This layer actually reflects the complexion and the quality of the skin.

2. Lohita: The color of this layer resembles cast iron, hence the name Lohita, which in Sanskrit means “iron”. This layer indicates the quality of blood (raktadhatu). It also acts as a mirror: it indicates whether the physiology as a whole is balanced or unbalanced and whether there is a disorder or an internal health. Composed of dead cells called keratinocytes, the Lohita is the layer of the skin which supports the outermost layer and serves as a barrier to prevent bacteria from entering and to retain moisture by maintaining the quality of Rakta Dhatu blood. Try an exfoliant containing olive or avocado extract, which can help improve the skin’s natural moisture barrier.

3. Shweta: A white layer that helps restores balance to skin color, melanin, lightening the darker colors of the inner layers. As this layer begins to thin, it sinks and wrinkles are born. Anti-aging creams and blends reverse or delay the aging process.

4. Tamra: Taamra is the copper-colored layer as the word Taamra in Sanskrit means “copper”. Helps the skin perform its function of being a barrier for infections. As you get older, this barrier becomes degraded and becomes scaly. Gentle scrubs can help eliminate the outermost cells and help the skin regain a younger look while preserving this important layer of defense.

5. Vedini: The word Vedini derives from Vedana, which in Sanskrit means “pain” since this level is responsible for the sensation of pain. It basically protects the sensitivity of the skin.

6. Rohini: The name Rohini is derived from the word Rohana, which in Sanskrit means “proliferation”. This layer is responsible for healing and regeneration. Any imbalance in this layer delays healing. The main purpose of this layer is healing and regeneration. This layer can also become red and inflamed due to environmental factors and stress. Worse, as the Rohini thins under the eyes, eyes can sink and darken. The creams under the eyes will help to eliminate dark circles and swelling.

7. Mamsadhara: This innermost layer helps in maintaining firmness and skin stability. The layer is directly below the Rohini and serves to connect the skin to the underlying fascia (fibrous tissue) of the bones and muscles. This layer of skin is composed of fat cells that give softness and volume to the skin. With age, the fat cells contract and die, leaving a hollow appearance on the face.

Inveda Kumkumadi Tailam Cream –

Inveda Kumkumadi Tailam Face Cream is made from Kumkumadi Luxury Oil, which was first developed about 3000 years ago to treat various skin conditions, such as acne, dark circles, pigmentation, wrinkles, dull skin, etc. Nowadays, because of pollution and a toxic way of life. , skin problems have increased dramatically. Inveda Kumkumadi Tailam Facial Cream is an effective moisturizer that contains 25 powerful ingredients that penetrate and heal the seven layers of skin. This will help keep your skin healthy and shiny.