Roughage or dietary fibre is the food which is completely plant-based. It is derived from the plants and cannot be broken down by the body. Nowadays roughage is considered an important part of the meal due to its utmost requirement by our bodies. The sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy junk food, processed food items and lack of exercise attracts many diseases.

Mainly these diseases exist due to lack of nutrients and fibre content in the food. Roughage is nothing else but the fibre content required by the body. Some health issues that come into existence due to lack of fibre in our food are-

a)   Constipation

b)   Piles

c)   Skin Issues

d)   Heart Diseases

e)   Obesity

f)   Cancer

Fibre is mainly of two types i.e. Soluble and insoluble fibres. The soluble fibres get easily dissolved in water which in turn reduces the blood sugar level of the body. The other type of fibre does not get dissolved in water. Both types of fibres are required by our body.

Given below are certain health benefits of fibre-

1.   Better Digestion– Fibre intake helps in the better digestion of food. Proper digestion helps in relieving constipation and piles. This is because the insoluble fibres help in easy bowels movements and soften the stools.

2.   Healthy Stomach and liver- The body gets detoxified as the pathogens and microbes are flushed out. The problem of bloating and gastric disorders declines and results in making the liver and stomach healthy.

3.   Better Skin– Our skin reflects the effects of the food we eat. Eating roughage helps in easy flushing out of the toxins and thus provides clear glowing skin. Problems like skin allergies and rashes require essential skin products along with proper diet. Roughage is an important part of the diet and should not be skipped at any cost.

4.   Weight Management– Roughage is the healthiest option for people who are trying to manage weight. The perfect combination for weight management is a little exercise, lots of water and lots of roughage comprising of fresh juicy fruits, leafy vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Follow your workout routine along with this food combination and get your weight in control.

Roughage includes a variety of fruits and vegetables. The common foods that play the role of roughage are given below-

1.   Brown rice

2.   Pulpy and juicy fruits like apple, pears, oranges, etc.

3.   Carrots, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, broccoli.

4.   Nuts and seeds- Peanuts, almonds, walnuts,

5.   Green peas, tomatoes.

6.   Kidney beans, sprouts.

You can easily find these food items and make them a part of your meals. Enjoy the food, Stay healthy and keep smiling!