Mustard oil is also known as ‘sarsonkatel’ in Hindi. It is derived from mustard seeds. It is obtained through the distillation process. The oil is mustard yellow or reddish yellow in colour and smells really strong. The unique qualities of this oil make it fit for several uses. It is used for cooking, applying on the body, making medicines and for many more uses.
Let us take a look at the benefits it provides for the human body–
1. Treats chapped lips– It is believed that lips can become soft and smooth if mustard oil is applied to the navel regularly at night. This is a very effective remedy for chapped lips. Just one-time application of oil regularly which ultimately leads to beautiful pink lips.
2. Counters Dental issues– Ever heard that oil can clean teeth better? Well if you have heard so, it is absolutely right. Mustard oil can be used to counter dental issues. It can be used for making a toothpaste at home. Create a mixture of mustard oil, salt & turmeric powder. Apply this paste to the teeth and gums just like your regular paste. This natural paste is highly effective in curing gum issues and teeth problems.
3. Helps in removing tanning– Sun-kissed skin is surely not loved in India. Dark spots, blemishes and tanning are the common problems that are associated with sun-kissed skin. Mustard oil can be used to keep the skin fair & tan free. This can be done by making a natural face pack at home. Mix besan, mustard oil and some curd into a fine paste. Add lemon juice to it. Blend this mixture properly. Now use this pack on the face. Let it stay for around 15-20 minutes and then wash with cold water. This natural face pack is to keep the skin tan free and beautiful.
4. Helps in cold & cough– The strong smell of the oil makes it effective in cold & cough. The vapours generated after heating the oil give a relief from congestion in the throat. To take the best benefits, heat mustard oil in a bowl and inhale its steam. It can even be used as a balm on the chest. To make this massage oil cum balm, heat garlic & mustard oil properly. Apply this oil to the chest and the back to get relief from cold & cough.
This oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties which make it good for skin and scalp infections like dandruff and ageing effects. Due to these qualities, this oil is used in many natural beauty products and medicines. If you are really worried about skin issues, buy natural beauty products with natural ingredients like this oil. Keep Smiling Keep Glowing!