Essential oils are the oils derived from the distillation process of the plants. So these are considered as natural oils and are available in concentrated form. The popularity of essential oils is increasing day by day due to the unlimited benefits offered by them. With the unlimited benefits, also comes the great variety of these oils.

The different benefits derived from essential oils are

1. Stress relief
2. Gives relief in insect bites
3. Sleep Inducer
4. Dental health
5. Joint pain
6. Gives relief from hangover
7. Anti-aging effects
8. Haircare
9. Constipation remedy
10. Relief in haemorrhoids
11. Liver health
12. Anti-allergy effect
13. Throat health
14. Skin issues
15. Deodorants

Some of the best essential oils that can be used for these benefits are given below

1. Lemon oil– This lovely oil is derived from the wonderful citrus fruit called a lemon. The valuable contents of lemon are extracted and brought to you in this oil. It brings a glow on the face when used with acarrier oil. Also helpful in relieving ahangover. 

2. Lavender oil– The oil is extracted from the beautiful lavender flowers. It is the best oil to be used as a deodoriser due to the beautiful flowery scent. Other than this, it is used as wonderful nourishment for theskin. This oil has skin restoring qualities and works well on signs of ageing.

3. Tea tree oil– Tea tree oil is an oil with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is used in many medications for skin allergies. Not only this, it is also used for healing cuts and wounds. Acne and pimples can also be cured with the application of this essential oil. It is majorly used for cleaning things and places infected by bacteria and fungus.

4. Eucalyptus oil-Perfect oil for nourishing skin and hair. Using a few drops of this oil on hands can disinfect hands. When used in a bath, it can relieve the body pain and relax the muscles. It can be applied just like a balm for cold & cough.
5. Peppermint oil– Peppermint oil is rich in antispasmodic qualities. It relieves the muscle tension during bowel movements. Use it for bad breath and dental problems as well. It also finds aplace in many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes.

Each of these oils can be used in many ways. Some of the ways to use these natural oils are given below

1) Add few drops of oil to the hot water bath. This can provide relief from cramps, eczema, period pain, stress and constipation.

2) Inhale in the form of vapour. This method is appropriate for taking care of cold, cough, headache, nausea, viral infections & asthma.

3) Gargle- Gargling hot water that has few drops of essential oil in it can provide relief from a cough, sinus, sore throat & indigestion.

Use the oil which you like and gain multiple benefits! Keep Smiling Keep Glowing!