Have you ever wondered why you are having major scalp issues and don’t know how to differentiate between them? Well, some scalp and hair issues may seem to have similar causes and symptoms, they are totally different. As for dry scalp and dandruff, they both are two different issues which people may get confused, let’s know more about it and how we can reduce it simple efforts and changes in haircare routine at home.
Difference between Dry Scalp and Dandruff
Dry Scalp
From Oily, sensitive, combination to normal and dry, these skin types are the most common. Dry skin, on the other hand, is caused by the skin's inability to generate enough sebum and natural oils to keep itself moisturised and healthy. As a result, the top layer of the skin dries up, splits, and sheds as thin flakes, which might explain why you have white skin flakes on your scalp and in your hair.
This issue of scalp is distinguished by a dry, itchy, flaky scalp, whereas dandruff rarely causes discomfort. When it comes to dandruff vs. dry scalp, the causes of both problems might help you tell the difference. Furthermore, we will assist you to identify the best dry scalp treatments to help you maintain and nourish it. When it comes to dry scalp, the cause is dry skin. The inability of dry skin to create or retain moisture defines it. This skin type does not generate enough sebum or natural oils to keep the scalp moist. As a result, the top layer of the skin dries up, cracks, and finally sheds in the form of small flakes. The flakes linked with dry scalp are smaller and whiter than actual dandruff flakes are easier to determine.
Dandruff is a minor type of seborrhoeic dermatitis, a skin ailment that causes red, greasy, flaky skin. It's more than just a build-up from dry skin. It is caused by the presence of Malassezia globosa, a naturally occurring fungus that dwells on the scalp surface and breaks down sebum or natural oils, releasing oleic acid as a by-product. Dandruff is caused by a variety of reasons, including the presence of a naturally occurring fungus on the scalp surface. A skin issue causes the scalp to be extremely sensitive to haircare products, and it can sometimes feel tight and itchy, with areas of redness in more severe cases.
All skin sheds regularly as part of the regeneration process, but for someone with dandruff, these cells can cluster and generate the tell-tale white flakes of dandruff, no matter how frequently you wash your hair.
How to distinguish between these two?
Most individuals have difficulty distinguishing between dandruff and dry scalp, and it is possible to have both dandruff and a dry scalp. Flakes are more likely to be dandruff in general:
- if the scalp is oily
- When there is severe scalp itching even though the scalp is not dry
- if the hair seems greasy
Now you know what your scalp and hair issue is, you need to seek right treatment and solutions for it.
DIY to Relieve Dry Scalp and Dandruff
Here are some easy DIY’s to relieve your scalp issues giving you clean and healthy scalp
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is an efficient natural dandruff treatment. It is acidic in nature, which aids in the removal of dead skin cells from the scalp. It also inhibits fungal development. All you need is one part of ACV in 2 parts of water. Mix in spray bottle and spray the solution on scalp and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Rinse it off with Shampoo.
Yogurt has a plethora of beneficial bacteria and hence aids in the prevention of scalp flaking. Make a nice hair mask by mixing 1/2 cup yoghurt with 2 tsp lemon juice. Apply it evenly on scalp and lengths and let it sit for 15 minutes. Cleanse your hair with Shampoo.
Fuller’s Earth
Fuller's Earth is capable of absorbing oil, grease, and dust. All of these factors contribute to the spread of Dandruff. Simultaneously, Fuller's Earth enhances blood flow, which helps to maintain the scalp free of dandruff. Just combine 5-6 tbsp Fuller's Earth with curd to form a smooth paste for your scalp. To the paste, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your scalp. Let it to soak in for around 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil alleviates inflammation, itching, and greasiness. As a result, it is useful in reducing dandruff. It has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. This multi-purpose oil can be used in many ways to relieve your scalp issues. Mix 4-5 drops of tea tree oil in coconut oil and massage your scalp and wash it off with shampoo. You can also mix few drops of tea tree oil with shampoo and cleanse your hair leaving it clean and healthy
We do also recommend maintaining healthy hygiene practises consisting of healthy eating habits and using sulphate and paraben-free products giving healthy hair and nourished locks.
Dry scalp and dandruff are one of the common issues faced and needs solution which is easy and works. As there are several natural methods for preventing and treating itchy, dry, and flaky scalp. The truth is that your diet has an influence on your hair's health. Make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to be healthy and to survive environmental variables that might harm your hair's health. You may better defend yourself against dandruff by eating a diet rich in zinc, vitamin B, and specific fats.
If you are looking for natural remedies, you can try few of the abovementioned DIYs and check which ingredient works perfect for you. Not only restricted to this, you can also switch your haircare routine to naturally-derived ingredients for healthy scalp and shinier hair. Inveda provides solution skincare, haircare and bodycare a one step closer to nature with Ayurvedic goodness so that you can relish healthy products curated just for you!