Clean and clear skin is quite a big thing these days. With the increasing pollution, stress and use of chemical-based products, pimples have become a very common skin problem. This skin issue can be really embarrassing for us and can even lower the confidence.

Pimples can happen on any body part and can be painful at times. A pimple is only a swelling of the skin which is loaded with bacteria and yellow or white discharge. The main cause behind pimples is the over secretion and submission of sebum under the skin. Pimples are nothing more than a pink mark or a bruise on the skin. Such pimples dry out within two or three days but might leave scars on the skin. Pimple marks left after the worsening of pimples can give a really bad appearance. Pimples are nothing more than a pink mark or a bruise on the skin. Such pimples dry out within two or three days but might leave scars on the skin.

There are many natural ways to fade away these pimple marks. Some of these ways are

Sugar Scrub

This is an easy and simple way for a beautiful pimple- free skin. It will act as a skin exfoliator and would enable you to accomplish a brighter skin & even skin tone. Take three tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder and one tablespoon of honey, combine them and use this mixture over the face for a couple of minutes. Do it at least for 15 minutes and then rinse with water. You can also use Sugar Scrub from Inveda as it contains no chemicals and is similar to a natural scrub.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a very healthy combination of enzymes, vitamins & minerals, sugars and amino acids. It counters attack bacterial and fungal infections. Furthermore, it balances the moisture level of the skin. Turmeric is a magnificent skin clearing & wonderful antiseptic agent. Make a paste of turmeric and blend it with 1 tsp of Aloe Vera gel with it. Apply this pack onto the pimple marks, wash off after 20 minutes.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is the best way to treat the skin when you are experiencing pimple marks. Tea tree essential oils must be used in combination with a carrier oil. It is the best essential oil to control the bacterial infections on the skin. This further helps in decreasing marks on the skin. Mix 2-3 drops of tea tree oil with few drops of natural carrier oil and apply this blend tenderly onto the influenced parts of the skin. Leave it on for a couple of hours. Remove the oil from the skin with a wet cotton ball. Tea tree oil cures the skin inflammation, skin scars and furthermore confines future breakouts.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has amazing healing qualities for the skin. It can be utilized for healing the pimples & clearing off the pimple marks. Take a spoon of additional virgin coconut oil and rub the oil onto the pimple marks. Give it a chance to be on your skin overnight, in the morning wipe off with a soft cotton ball and wash off with a lot of water.