Lavender is a flowering plant grown in many parts of the world. Its scientific name is Lavandula. lavender essential oil uses derives from the lavender flowers through the process of steam distillation. Lavender oil benefits are uncountable. Moreover, it is an essential oil that has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it is widely used in skin products and cosmetics due to its certain attributes. Lavender oil benefits for skin and body that I will be discussing here.

Here are some lavender oil benefits- don’t dare to miss!

Protection from insects and bugs–

As a matter of fact lavender oil has incredible healing affect which makes it efficient oil for the protection of skin from insects and bugs. It can also apply to get relief from mosquito bites. Startling relief is provide to red, itchy and inflamed skin.

Skin Brightening Effect-

Lavender oil benefits for skin– This lavender essential oil uses when applied to the skin shows a huge positive impact on the skin. It is highly useful in eradicating marks, dark spots, and depigmentation. Glowing and bright skin can meet with this simple remedy. Blend a few drops of lavender essential oil with some coconut oil and apply it on the skin before sleeping at night. You will see a great difference after a few days.

Good substitute for Perfume–

Lavenders is famous for its fragrance. In fact, its aroma like by people worldwide. This is the reason that you will find lavender fragrance in most of the famous perfume brands. Its essential oil can also replace such perfumes. Apply this oil mixed with few drops of water. People around you will surely love the fragrance.

Lip Nourishment–

Proper nourishment can provide to the lips by using lavender essential oil. From preventing cuts and burns to sun burns and chapped lips, this oil is helpful in solving many lip troubles. Add any carrier oil to this oil and blend it properly. Apply this mixture to the lips every time you go out and also at night. It will act like your natural lip balm and nourish your lips.

Lavender oil for face – Facial Haze–

Lavender essential oil can also add to boiling water. Steam used from this water during facial treatments can add a glowing charm to your face. Just add 15-20 drops of lavender oil to the water and take steam for around 5-7 minutes. Get hydrated and supple skin with this quick and easy method.

Lavender uses for Soaps and bath gels-

Lavender essential oil is also used in soaps and bath gels. The skin benefits that can derive from this oil make it a suitable constituent in the production of soaps and bath gels. Its irresistible fragrance is also one of the reasons that it use in soaps and bath gels and body washes. It deep cleans the skin and relaxes it with a soothing effect.

Hope you find this blog useful. You surely can utilise this oil easily at home for several other benefits like-

1) You can use it in hot water baths.

2) Pamper yourself with lavender oil massages during headaches and body pains.

3) Whenever you find difficulty in sleeping, use some drops of oil and massage it in your head.

4) Use it with a cotton ball on acne to get clear skin.

Keep Smiling. Keep Glowing!